
Fallout 76 Leveled List drop chances

Table of contents



The game has properties specifying a probability (rolled against with a PRNG) that an entry or list will not be used.

For example, if a list has a chanceNone of 80, 80% of the time when evaluating the list, there won’t be any results.

chanceNone defines the absense probability percentage (i.e, when calculating the chanceNone has to be divided by 100).

Example list: LVLI:00064B92 <LPI_Clothes_LocTheme>

curve table lookup

Sometimes actual property values are looked up in a so-called curve table. A curve table is a list of (x, y) pairs where an indexer value of x is used to get a y value.

For example, given a table of (1, 0), (2, 10), (3, 20) and an indexer x = 2, the lookup will return 20.

lookup with inexact indexer

This part is only assumed

condition evaluation

A list or an entry may have an associated condition list. A condition list is a series of function calls joined by either a logical-and or a logical-or operation. These joins are defined on each condition element and affects what comes after.

Examples: [HasKeyword(K1) == 1 OR HasKeyword(K2) == 1], [GetRandomPercent >= 50 AND GetIsInRegion(R) == 1].

The last element’s join operation is ignored.

In the condition list, the logical-or operations have higher precedence than the logical-and operations.

For example, given the following condition list [C1 OR C2 AND C3 OR C4], adding parenthesis shows the evaluation order: (C1 OR C2) AND (C3 OR C4).

How the game evaluates a leveled list

1. evaluate list conditions

If the list has conditions, those conditions are evaluated. If they pass, the list is evaluated further.

If they don’t pass, the list is considered empty.

2. get list chanceNone

First step is to get the list’s chanceNone value extracted from the

If LVLG or LVCT are present, LVCV is ignored.

Next, a PRNG is rolled and if the rolled value is less than the chanceNone percentage, the list is considered empty.

3. prepare the list entries

entry minimum levels

The list entries can have a level requirement and if those are not met, the entry will be ignored in the subsequent steps.

Each entry can have a minimum level requirement, specified by a value:

If LVOG is present, LVLV is ignored.

However, the list’s flags determines how to evaluate this minimum level.

Given the flag attribute LVLF:

One complication is that if bit 2 of the flag is set (called use all in tools), every entry is kept regardless of its minimum level.

entry conditions

The evaluation time of the entry conditions depends on the list flags. Given the flag attribute LVLF, if bit 1 is set (named for each entry in tools), the condition is evaluated first and the game builds a pruned list.

In any other list flag setting (basically, use all and first entry where conditions match modes), the entries are not pruned and once an entry has been picked, the condition is evaluated. If the condition is not met, depending on the flags, the processing is either resumed with the next entry or the list is considered empty. In principle, the outcome with or without pruning in these kinds of lists are the same.

For example, given a list of

[ // flags: 1, +for-each
   Entry1 (HasKeyword(K1) == 1),
   Entry2 ()

However, if the list flag has bit 1 clear

    // flags: 0
   Entry1 (HasKeyword(K1) == 1),
   Entry2 ()

4. pick an entry or entries

The evaluation of the (possibly pruned) entry list can happen in multiple ways, depending on the flags associated with the leveled list.

The flag attribute LVLF is a bitfield indicating how to proceed.

Currently, 4 evaluation modes have been explored:

bit 2 is set

If bit 2 is set (named all in tools), every entry in the list is consulted and collected up to be the result of this list.

For this mode, the maximum attribute can limit the total number of the entries in the results. The maximum number is extracted from the

When maximum is 0, all items can be returned. If maximum is 1, only up to 1 entry is returned. If maximum is 2, up to 2 entries can be returned.

However, since each entry can have its chanceNone defined and non-zero, the output may not contain that many entries after all. An entry’s chanceNone is a percentage extracted from the

Thus, for each entry in the list, if a PRNG is rolled less than the entry’s chanceNone percentage, the entry is ignored.

For example, given a list of

    Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
    Entry2(chanceNone = 0),
    Entry3(chanceNone = 100)

The entries are evaluated in order and the processing stops if the number of entries that passed is equal to the maximum specified. (Note, since the stop condition is evaluated directly after an entry has determined to be passing, having maximum of 0 will never be true thus every entry will be visited. Computationally, this is equivalent to having no limit on the size of the output.)

Having a non-zero maximum can result in non-intuitive outcomes, therefore, here are some examples with maximum and entries with chanceNone:

  1. Example: maximum is 1 with guaranteed entry first entry:

         Entry2(chanceNone = 20)

    This list will always return Entry1.

  2. Example: maximum is 1 with mixed entries:

         Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X >= 20, the output will be only Entry1.
    • If X < 20, Entry1 is ignored and the output will be only Entry2.
  3. Exmaple: maximum is 1 with chanced entries:

        Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
        Entry2(chanceNone = 50)
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X >= 20, the output will be only Entry1
    • If X < 10, Entry1 is ignored and the next entry is evaluated
      • PRNG rolls Y
      • If Y >= 50, Entry2 is ignored and the output will be empty
      • If Y < 50, the output will be only Entry2.
  4. Example: maximum is 2 with chanced entries:

        Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X >= 20, the output will be Entry1 and Entry2
    • If X < 20, Entry1 is ignored and the output will be Entry2 and Entry3.
  5. Example: maximum is 2 with chanced entries:

        Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
        Entry2(chanceNone = 50),
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X >= 20, then
      • PRNG rolls Y
      • If Y >= 50, the output will be Entry1 and Entry2.
      • If < 50, the output will be Entry1 and Entry3.
    • If X < 20
      • PRNG rolls Z
      • If Z >= 50, the output will be Entry2 and Entry3.
      • If Z < 50, the output will be only Entry3.

bit 1 is set

If bit 1 is set (named for each entry in tools), a single entry from the pruned list is picked at uniform random every time.

More specifically, if this list is referenced by a parent leveled list, the current list is evaluated over and over, specified by the referencing entry’s quantity amount.

For example, given the following nesting:

    Entry1(Quantity = 2):
        // list flags: 2

The inner list will be evaluated twice, each time picking Entry2 or Entry3 with 50% chance. Therefore, the output of the main list can be:

The probability of Entry2 appearing at least once can be calculated by calculating it not appearing at all for all the rolls, then subtracting that value from 1. With the example, the chance Entry2 is not rolled twice is (1 - 0.5) * (1 - 0.5) = 0.25, 25%. Consequently, the chance Entry2 is rolled at least once is 1 - 0.25 = 0.75, 75%!

Regardless, a single evaluation of the list is done by picking one entry with uniform randomness.

For example, given a list:


However, since each entry can have its chanceNone defined and non-zero, the output may be empty after all. An entry’s chanceNone is a percentage extracted from the

Thus, if an entry was picked uniform random before, a PRNG is rolled and if less than the chanceNone percentage, the output will be empty.

  1. Example: given a list of

         Entry1(chanceNone = 20)
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X < 50, then
      • PRNG rolls Y
      • If Y < 20, the output is empty
      • If Y >= 20, the output is Entry1
    • If X >= 50, the output is Entry2.
  2. Example: given a list of

         Entry1(chanceNone = 20)
         Entry2(chanceNone = 50)
    • PRNG rolls X
    • If X < 33.33, then
      • PRNG rolls Y
      • If Y < 20, the output is empty
      • If Y >= 20, the output is Entry1
    • If 33.33 <= X < 66.66, the output is Entry2.
    • If X >= 66.66
      • PRNG rolls Z
      • If Z < 50, the output is empty
      • If Z >= 50, the output is Entry3

bit 1 is clear

If bit 1 is clear, the list is not pruned based on entry condition. The list is evaluated once and an entry is picked at uniform random and its condition is evaluated. If the condition doesn’t matches, the list is considered empty.

If this list is embedded in another leveled list, the item quantities are multiplied by the parent leveled list referencing entry’s quantity.


    Entry1(Quantity = 2):
        // list flags: 0
        Entry2(Quantity = 3),
        Entry3(Quantity = 4)

In this setup, the inner list picks Entry2 or Entry3 with 50% probability, then multiplies their quantity, thus the main list will output Entry2(Quantity = 6) 50% of the time and Entry3(Quantity = 8) 50% of the time.

From the drop chances perspective of the entries themselves, having bit 1 set or not is an equivalent setup.

The reason for this is that when we consider simulating the drops by running the main list N times, the inner list would be run 2 * N times if bit 1 was set and N times if bit 1 was clear, essentially running the simulation twice as long.

bit 6 is set

If bit 6 is set (named first entry where conditions match in tools), only the first entry will be consulted.

This first entry can have its chanceNone defined and non-zero, the output may not contain that many entries after all. An entry’s chanceNone is a percentage extracted from the

Thus, if a PRNG is rolled less than the entry’s chanceNone percentage, the output will be empty. Otherwise, the output will be this first entry.

Calculating the exact drop chances

Given the evaluation methods in the previous section, luckily, the drop chances for any entry can be calculated via exact formulas.

Dealing with conditions

For the most part, conditions can be considered as pre-calculated. I.e., given a specific game state, the conditions and minimum level requirements on the leveled lists and entries can be pre-processed, thus a tree of leveled list can be pruned upfront so that the chance calculations only have to deal with present entries.

Therefore, an entry’s chance information has only to consider its own chanceNone and, if it references another list, the chance that sublist evaluates to be empty itself, recursively applied if necessary.

However, one complication comes from conditions, such as GetRandomPercent, where the condition has to be converted into a probability on the list or on the entry it uses. Effectively, such conditions can act as another chanceNone value, to be combined with the list’s/entry’s own chanceNone value.

An exception to this is when the bits 1..6 of the list’s flag are set to zero (i.e., the list is not all, not for-each and not-first). In this case, the list is not pruned upfront and the conditions are evaluated after an entry has been picked at uniform random. In this case, the probability of the entry is zero if the condition doesn’t match.

Consequently, the probability a list itself is considered in the first place is:

var listSelfChance = (1 - list.chanceNone) * list.conditionChance;


Similarly, an entry can have a chanceNone on its own, a GetRandomPercent and a possible sublist with an emptyChance evaluated.

var entrySelfChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

// or

var entrySelfChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance * (1 - entry.sublist.emptyChance);

Dealing with sublists

Since leveled lists can reference other leveled lists, those sublists can turn out to be empty with a certain probability, which has to be taken into account with the various calculation methods.

For example, if the parent list uses mode all with maximum of 1, the sublist of the first entry may turn out to be empty after all, thus the second entry of the parent list has to be evaluated. Give the following nested lists:

[ // flags = all, maximum = 1
        Entry2(chanceNone = 20)

Entry2 may not be chosen for thus Entry3 is the output.

When calculating the probabilities, the sublist has a 50% chance of being empty, thus the probability Entry1 is selected is 80% as well. Consequently, the probability of Entry3 being selected is 20%.

Similarly, if the parent list entry has a chanceNone, all of them have to be combined:

    // flags = all, maximum = 1
    Entry1(chanceNone = 10)
        Entry2(chanceNone = 20)

Thus, the chance Entry2 is the output is probability of chosing it (90%) multiplied by its sublist not being empty (80%): 72%. The chance Entry3 is picked is thus 28%.

Calculation for mode All

The calculation for this mode depends on the value of the list’s maximum attribute.

maximum is 0

This is perhaps the easiest configuration to calculate because the chance of each entry is independent of the other entries, thus can be calculated from just the entry’s own properties.

for (var entry of entries) {
    entry.chance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

However, if the entire list has a chanceNone and/or conditionChance, those have to be included:

var listSelfChance = (1 - list.chanceNone) * list.conditionChance;

for (var entry of entries) {
    entry.chance = listSelfChance * (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

In addition, if the entry has a sublist, that sublist has to be evaluated recursively. This recursive evaluation can return the chance of the sublist becoming empty and thus combined with the product above:

var listSelfChance = (1 - list.chanceNone) * list.conditionChance;

for (var entry of entries) {
    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = listSelfChance * (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance * sublistChance;

Finally, in case the current list is referenced by a parent list via the same recursive evaluate() function call, the chance for this list to be empty has to be calculated too.

The chance of this list being empty is equal to the product of an entry not having anything by itself for some reason:

var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    empty *= 1 - entry.chance;

return empty;

(Of course, the two loops can be combined into one.)

One important property to consider with entries having a sublist is that when cascading the chances in the tree of leveled lists, the sublistChance should not be included when again. Instead, an extra property called aprioriChance should be kept and used for the cascading calculation.

for (var entry of entries) {
    entry.aprioriChance = listSelfChance * (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

If there is no sublist, the chance is equal to the aprioriChance. (See this for further details on cascading chances.)

maximum is 1

In this type of settings, the chance of picking an item is dependent upon not picking any of the previous items in the list (because they are not there or have empty sublists for example).

Effectively, this means that when we keep track of the overal chance of emptyness, the entries have consider the chance of all previous items being empty. Luckily, we already track this in empty, thus we need to factor that in into the entry.chance calculation.

var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    entry.chance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * empty;
    empty *= entry.chanceNone;


This setting is non-intuitive at first, therefore, here is a simplified formulae to demonstrate.

P[1] = (1 - ChanceNone[1])
P[2] = (1 - ChanceNone[2]) * ChanceNone[1]
P[3] = (1 - ChanceNone[3]) * ChanceNone[1] * ChanceNone[2]
P[n] = (1 - ChanceNone[n]) * ChanceNone[1] * ChanceNone[2] * ... * ChanceNone[n - 1]

So the chance of the first is just the presence chance. The chance of the second entry is its presence chance provided the first item was not selected. The second entry chance is its presence chance provided neither the first or second entry was selected before.

For example, if every entry has a 50% chance. The first entry is chosen with 50% chance, the second entry 25%, the third 12.5%, the fourth 6.25%, etc.

Let’s express it via code:

var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    var selfChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;
    entry.aprioriChance = selfChance * empty;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

    empty *= 1 - selfChance * sublistChance;

To calculate the emptiness for the subsequent item, we can’t include the previous empty value as it would “overcount” the empty cases.

Again, this calculation is non-intuitive, so let’s see an example:

    Entry1(chanceNone = 20)
        Entry2(chanceNone = 30)
    Entry3(chanceNone = 40)
  1. We start out empty 1
  2. With Entry1
    • The self chance is 0.8
    • Thee apriori chance is 0.8 * 1 = 0.8.
    • The sublist chance of being empty is 0.7.
    • The entry chance is thus 0.8 * 0.7 = 0.56
    • The chance for this entry being empty is 1 - 0.8 * 0.7 = 1 - 0.56 = 0.44
  3. The new overall empty is 1 * 0.44 = 0.44
  4. With Entry3
    • The self chance is 0.6
    • The apriori chance is 0.6 * 0.44 = 0.264
    • The entry chance is thus 0.264
    • The chance for this entry being empty is 1 - 0.6 = 0.4
  5. The new overall empty is 0.44 * 0.4 = 0.176

Therefore, the chances are Entry1: 56%, Entry3: 26.4% and the list being empty is 17.6%. 56 + 26.4 + 17.6 = 100!

But what if the entire list has a listSelfChance less than 100% ? We can factor that into entry.chance via multiplication. We can’t modify the running empty with it and we have to add its reverse to the overall empty value when returning the empty chance of the entire list:

   // ...
   entry.chance = selfChance * sublistChance * listSelfChance;
   // ...

   return (1 - listSelfChance) + listSelfChance * empty;

In other terms, the chance the entire list is empty is the chance the list itself is to be considered empty (1 - listSelfChance) plus the chance of the list being empty after all provided the list shouldn’t be empty (listSelfChance * empty).

With the given example above, having the list with 40% chance on its own, Entry1: 22.4%, Entry3: 10.56% and the list being empty is 0.6 + 0.4 * 0.176 = 67.04%. Again, 22.4 + 10.56 + 67.04 = 100!

maximum is more than 1

If the list should return up to 2 or more items, that complicates things quite considerably. When evaluating an entry, one has to consider the pick chances of previous items in a way that would have lead to the picking of that entry.

For the first maximum number of entries, their pick chance is their presence chance because no matter what, those entries will be evaluated.

However, subsequent items are different. For example, if the maximum is 2, The 3rd item is only picked if neither the 1st nor 2nd item was picked. In other terms, the 3rd item is picked if both first and second items were not picked.

(Sidenote: remember the probability rule of P(A or B) = 1 - P(!A and !B)))

P[1] = 1 - ChanceNone[1]
P[2] = 1 - ChanceNone[2]
P[3] = (1 - ChanceNone[3]) * (1 - (1 - ChanceNone[1]) * (1 - ChanceNone[2]))

The fourth item is not picked if two of any of the previous 3 items have been picked, that is

Let’s call define Q[i] := 1 - ChanceNone[i] and CN[i] = ChanceNone[i] for short. The formula then looks like this:

P[3] = Q[3] * (1 - (Q[1] * Q[2]))
P[4] = Q[4] * (1 - (Q[1] * Q[2] + Q[1] * CN[2] * Q[3] + CN[1] * Q[2] * Q[3]))
P[5] = Q[5] * (1 - (Q[1] * Q[2] + Q[1] * CN[2] * Q[3] + CN[1] * Q[2] * Q[3]
                    + Q[1] * CN[2] * CN[3] * Q[4] + CN[1] * Q[2] * CN[3] * Q[4]
                    + CN[1] * CN[2] * Q[3] * Q[4]

One can see that the that the 1 - part keeps expanding with more tags. If we encode Q[i] in a bitfield for being 1 at position i, and CN[i] being 0 at position i, we get the following bit strings for P[i]s:

3: 11
4: 11 101 011
5: 11 101 011 1001 0101 0011

The commonality is that these strings all have exactly 2 bits set to 1.

If we do the same process for maximum of 3, we get a similar pattern:

4: 111
5: 111 1101 1011 0111
6: 111 1101 1011 0111 11001 10101 10011 01101 01011 00111

Again, the number of bits set to 1 is always the same: 3. The pattern remains consistent for higher maximums, thus we can generate that sum by using bit patterns.

For this, we’ll need a method to count bits set to 1 in an integer. Some languages have direct support for this, others such as JavaScript, require bit-hacks:

function bitCount(n) {
    n = n - ((n >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    n = (n & 0x33333333) + ((n >> 2) & 0x33333333);
    return ((n + (n >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;

To begin, we have to assign the chances to the first maximum (M) items unconditionally:

for (var i = 0; i < M && i < entries.length; i++) {
    var entry = entries[i];
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

Subsequent items have to start using the formula generated by the pattern. Let’s introduce a sum that keeps track of the sum in the formula, thus we don’t have calculate 11 and the rest again.

var sum = 0;

for (var i = M; i < entries.length; i++) {
    var entry = entries[i];


Given the entry i, we’ll have to consider bit strings of length i - 1 which have as many bits set as M. Therefore, we need to loop between certain integer values and test how many bits they have.

Luckily, we don’t have to loop for all integers, only between integers (of size i - 1 bits) that have their highest order bit set up to integers that have all i bits of their set:

    var minPattern = 1 << (i - 1);
    var maxPattern = (1 << i) - 1;

For example, i = 2 gives (2, 3), i = 3 gives (4, 7), i = 4 gives (8, 15).

Then, we increment an integer between these numbers and test for how many bits were set:

    for (var p = minPattern; p <= maxPattern; p++) {
        if (bitCount(p) == M) {


Now that we know p has only M bits set, we generate a product on this bit pattern, starting from bit index zero up to index i, using the entry’s chance when it is 1 and using the opposite of the entry’s chance if it is 0.

            var product = 1;
            for (var b = 0; b < i; b++) {
                var mask = 1 << b;
                var e = entries[b];
                var chance = (1 - e.chanceNone) * e.conditionChance;
                if (e.sublist !== undefined) {
                    chance *= 1 - evaluate(e.sublist);
                if ((p & mask) != 0) {
                    product *= chance;
                } else {
                    product *= 1 - chance;

            sum += product;

Now that we have the sum of the chance combinations from the previous entries, let’s assign it to the current entry:

    var entry = entries[i];
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance * (1 - sum);

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (e.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance *= 1 - evaluate(e.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

All in all, the entire algorithm looks like this:

for (var i = 0; i < M && i < entries.length; i++) {
    var entry = entries[i];
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

var sum = 0;

for (var i = M; i < entries.length; i++) {
    var entry = entries[i];

    var minPattern = 1 << (i - 1);
    var maxPattern = (1 << i) - 1;
    for (var p = minPattern; p <= maxPattern; p++) {
        if (bitCount(p) == M) {
            var product = 1;
            for (var b = 0; b < i; b++) {
                var mask = 1 << b;
                var e = entries[b];
                var chance = (1 - e.chanceNone) * e.conditionChance;
                if (e.sublist !== undefined) {
                    chance *= 1 - evaluate(e.sublist);
                if ((p & mask) != 0) {
                    product *= chance;
                } else {
                    product *= 1 - chance;

            sum += product;

    var entry = entries[i];
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance * (1 - sum);

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance *= 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

Of course, this could by itself result in an empty list, for which the probability can be calculated as the product of none of the entries had a been selected:

var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    empty *= 1 - entry.chance;

return empty;

If we want to include the list’s own chance:

var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    empty *= 1 - entry.chance;
    entry.chance *= listSelfChance;

return (1 - listSelfChance) + listSelfChance * empty;

Calculation for mode non-All

This mode includes the for each and not for each settings both, effectively, when bit 2 of the flags is not set, and bit 1 might be set.

There are two sub-cases to consider though:

The reason for this is that since conditions are used for pruning the list upfront, an entry might not be on the list to begin with. Since this mode picks an entry with uniform random, that is, 1 / N chance, we don’t have a constant N anymore. N could be 0, 1, …, n based on the entry’s conditionChance.

Uniform pick

When every entry has conditionChance == 1, the size of the list is constant, thus every entry has a 1 / N chance of being picked. Then, the usual sublist and self chances have to be applied.

var uniformChance = 1 / entries.length;
var sum = 0;

for (var entry of entries) {

    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * uniformChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

    sum += entry.chance;

return 1 - sum;

However, one has to consider bit 1 of the flags too. If it is cleared, the list will have entries whose conditions have to be checked post entry pick, which will affect the apriori chance of the entry. If the conditions don’t match, the aprioryChance will be zero. If the entry has conditionChance < 1 , the aprioriChance has to be updated.

    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * uniformChance;

    if ((flags & 1) == 0) {
        if (!entry.conditionMatch) {
            entry.aprioriChance = 0;
        } else {
            entry.aprioriChance *= entry.conditionChance;

Since the entries are chosen independently, the chance of an empty list is basically subtracting the sum of overall entry chances from 1.

For example, given the following list

    Entry1(chanceNone = 20),
    Entry2(chanceNone = 40),

To factor in the lists’ own chance, simply use it as the numerator in the uniformChance expression:

var uniformChance = listSelfChance / entries.length;

The overall chance for an empty list will be still just the sum of entry chances subtracted from 1.

Combinatorial pick

In this mode, since the size of the list is probabilistic as well, we’ll have to check for all possible combinations of entries being present to appropriately account for the size of the list to pick from uniform randomly.

For example, given a list of 2 entries [Entry1, Entry2] and the shorthand notation from this, Entry1 is picked if the list has only Entry1 itself (but not Entry2); or the list has both Entry1 and Entry2 present when Entry1 is picked with 50% chance:

Note that these chances are only using the conditionChance and not the entry related chances because this mode picks an entry first, then determines if that entry should be empty or not independently.

C[i] := ConditionChance[i]
Z[i] := 1 - ConditionChance[i];

P[1] = C[1] * Z[2] + C[1] * C[2] / 2

Similarly, Entry2 is picked if the list has only Entry2 itself (but not Entry1); or the list has both Entry1 and Entry2 present when Entry2 is picked with 50% chance:

P[2] = Z[1] * C[2] + C[1] * C[2] / 2

If we introduce the binary notation from here to, we’ll see a pattern emerge:

0: 10 11
1: 01 11

With 3 items to chose from:

0: 100 101 110 111
1: 010 110 011 111
2: 001 101 011 111

Again, if a bit is 1 multiply by the presence chance, if the bit is zero, multiply by the not present chance. Then divide each bit pattern by the number of 1 bits.

Let’s build the formula. We’ll have to consider 2 to the power of the size of the (pruned) list:

var n = entries.length;

var bits = 1 << n;

for (var i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
    // ...

For each of such bit pattern, calculate the product of present/absent chances:

    var product = 1;
    var nonZeroCount = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        var mask = 1 << j;
        var entry = entries[j];
        var cr = entry.conditionChance;
        if ((i & mask) != 0) {
            product *= cr;
        } else {
            product *= (1 - cr);

    // ...

Again the chance to pick an entry doesn’t depend on the entry itself possibly empty. We count the number of non-zero bits as well to divide the sum later on. Consequently, we have to add the particular product to every entry’s chance that were present in the product formula to form the entry’s full sum:

        if (nonZeroCount != 0) {
            product /= nonZeroCount;

            for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
                var mask = 1 << j;
                var entry = entries[j];
                if ((i & mask) != 0) {
                    entry.chance += product;

Once the bit list has been evaluated, we can work out each entry’s final chance and the chance of the list being empty:

var sum = 0;
for (var entry of entries) {
    var baseChance = entry.chance;
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * baseChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

    sum += entry.chance;

return 1 - sum;

The list is empty if none of the entries were selected or were themselves empty due to their chanceNone or sublist evaluations.

Again, considering the list’s own chance is a matter of multiplying by listSelfChance:

for (var entry of entries) {
    entry.chance *= listSelfChance;

return (1 - sum) * listSelfChance + (1 - listSelfChance);

The entire algorithm looks as follows:

var n = entries.length;

var bits = 1 << n;

for (var i = 0; i < bits; i++) {
    var product = 1;
    var nonZeroCount = 0;
    for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
        var mask = 1 << j;
        var entry = entries[j];
        var cr = entry.conditionChance;
        if ((i & mask) != 0) {
            product *= cr;
        } else {
            product *= (1 - cr);

    if (nonZeroCount != 0) {
        product /= nonZeroCount;

        for (var j = 0; j < n; j++) {
            var mask = 1 << j;
            var entry = entries[j];
            if ((i & mask) != 0) {
                entry.chance += product;

var sum = 0;
for (var entry of entries) {
    var baseChance = entry.chance;
    entry.aprioriChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * baseChance;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    var chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

    entry.chance = chance * listSelfChance;

    sum += chance;

return (1 - sum) * listSelfChance + (1 - listSelfChance);

for-each repeated rolls

If the for-each flag is set (bit 1), the probabilities of the entries have to be adjusted in case the parent entry has quantity > 1 defined.

For example, let’s consider the following list:

[// flags: for-each

If we roll this list once, we get Entry1 50% of the time and Entry2 50% of the time. However, if we roll it twice, we can get

Consequently, the chance of getting Entry1 once is 25% + 25% + 25% = 75% just by summing up the cases where Entry1 appears.

However, we can calculate the probability of getting Entry1 at least once by calculating the chance we don’t get Entry1 at all, then subtract it from 1. With the exmaple, we won’t get Entry1 if for both rolls, we roll Entry2, which has the probability of 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25, 25%. Therefore, The chance we do roll Entry1 at least once is 1 - 0.25 = 0.75, 75%.

More generally, we can calculate the chance of an entry appearing at least once by calculating the chance the entry won’t apper, raise it to the power of the roll count, then subtract it from 1:

entry.chance = 1 - Math.pow(1 - entry.chance, rolls);

When we want to calculate chance the list is empty, we can no longer sum up the modified entry chances. Instead, we sum up the unmodified entry chances, which indicates none of the entries were selected in the roll, then raise that amount to the power of the roll count, which indicates none of the rolls had any result.

var sum = 0;

for (var entry of entries) {

    entry.chance = ... // calculate it according to the conditionChance status of the entries

    sum += entry.chance;

    entry.chance = 1 - Math.pow(1 - entry.chance, rolls);

return Math.pow(1 - sum, rolls);

Calculation for mode First

Calculating the drop chanes for the mode first two sub-cases as well:

Both cases are relatively simple to calculate.

pick first always

The first case is really simple: the first entry is selected and returned if its chances allow it, or the list is empty. Consequently, all other entries will have zero chance of dropping.

var entry = entry[0];

entry.aprioriChance = listSelfChance * (1 - entry.chanceNone);
var sublistChance = 1;
if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
    sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

return 1 - entry.chance;

Since only the first item can be picked, the list being empty is the chance the first item is not picked or is empty after all.

pick one

If any or all of the entries have conditionChance < 1, that means those entries can’t be pruned upfront and their drop chance has to consider the probability of the entry present on the list to begin with.

Unlike the all mode with maximum of 1, this selection mode will stop when it finds an entry matching its conditions and not continue if the entry picked turned out to be empty itself. Consequently, now every item in the list can be considered for a potential drop.

Let’s write down the simplified formulae for a better understanding:

P[1] = ConditionChance[1]
P[2] = ConditionChance[2] * (1 - ConditionChance[1])
P[3] = ConditionChance[3] * (1 - ConditionChance[1]) * (1 - ConditionChance[2])
P[i] = ConditionChance[i] * (1 - ConditionChance[1]) * (1 - ConditionChance[2]) * ... * (1 - ConditionChance[i - 1])

So the first item is picked with its conditionChance value. The second item is only picked if the first item was not picked, the third item is picked only if neither the first nor the second item was picked, etc.

For the empty case, we can sum up all the entry chances and subtract it from 1.

var sum = 0;
var empty = 1;

for (var entry of entries) {
    var selfChance = (1 - entry.chanceNone) * entry.conditionChance;
    entry.apriori = selfChance * empty;

    var sublistChance = 1;
    if (entry.sublist !== undefined) {
        sublistChance = 1 - evaluate(entry.sublist);

    entry.chance = entry.aprioriChance * sublistChance;

    empty *= 1 - entry.conditionChance;

    sum += entry.chance;

return 1 - sum;

Note that when cumulating the empty cases, we have to multiply by the entry’s conditionChance only and not include the entry’s own presence chance, because the selection criteria for an entry is only its conditionChance. If the entry turns out to be empty after all, that’s not the problem of the subsequent entries like with the mode all and maximum of 1 was.

Calculating the cascading chances

Given a tree of the leveled lists, we have to be careful when calculating the chances of the nodes in the tree by cascading a parent’s probability to its chindren to form the basis for “if the node has been selected” chance.

For example, let’s consider the following tree:

[ // flags 0
        Entry2(chanceNone = 20)

Here, the chance of selecting Entry1 is 50% and getting Entry2 is 0.5 * 0.8 = 0.4, 40%. Thus we could say the chance of Entry1 being non-empty is 40% too.

However, when we try to cascade the chance of Entry1 down to see given Entry1, what is the chance of Entry2, using this 40% would be wrong. It already included the probability of Entry2 and we would calculate 0.5 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 0.32, 32% that is incorrect. We need a probability from Entry1 that doesn’t include the sublist outcome yet.

That’s why we calculated the aprioriChance of every entry. Here Entry1’s apriori chance would be still 50% and the cascaded chance for Entry2 would be 0.5 * 0.8 = 0.4, 40%, the correct value.